Rembrandt Study

Can’t get enough of Rembrandt? Are you looking to find out more for an assignment, presentation, paper, thesis or dissertation? Below are links to other websites on Rembrandt as painter, etcher, maker of drawings, teacher, innovator, entrepreneur and friend.

Rembrandt’s life

Rembrandt’s paintings

Rembrandt’s etchings

Rembrandt’s drawings

Technical research

Rembrandt’s pupils

For scholarly articles on various aspects of Rembrandt’s life and work, see the various editions of the Kroniek van Museum Rembrandthuis:

Besides the abovementioned online sources we refer you to the following publications*:


  • A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, I-III  – Josua Bruyn, Bob Haak et al., Nijhoff, The Hague, Boston, London 1982-’89
  • Rembrandt: his life, his paintings – Gary Schwartz, Harmondsworth 1985
  • The Mystery of the Young Rembrandt – Ernst van de Wetering, Bob van den Boogert et al., Wolfratshausen 2001
  • The Painter at Work – Ernst van de Wetering, Amsterdam 2003
  • A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, IV-VI – Ernst van de Wetering et al., Dordrecht 2005-’14
  • The Quest of a Genius – Bob van den Boogert (ed.), Ernst van de Wetering, Berlin, Amsterdam, Zwolle 2006
  • Rembrandts landschappen – Christiaan Vogelaar et al., Zwolle 2006
  • Late Rembrandt – Jonathan Bikker, Gregor Weber et al., Amsterdam 2015
  • The Painter Thinking – Ernst van de Wetering, Amsterdam 2016
  • Rembrandt’s Paintings Revisited: A Complete Survey – Ernst van de Wetering, Dordrecht, 2017
  • Rembrandt: The Complete Paintings – Volker Manuth, Marieke de Winkel and Rudie van Leeuwen, Cologne 2019



  • Landscapes of Rembrandt. His favourite walks – Boudewijn Bakker, Erik Schmitz (ed.), Bussum 1998
  • Rembrandt: the art of drawing – Marijn Schapelhouman, Zwolle 2006
  • Drawings by Rembrandt and His Pupils: Telling the Difference – Peter Schatborn et al., Los Angeles 2009
  • Rembrandt and his circle: drawings in the Frits Lugt collection – Peter Schatborn, Bussum 2010
  • Old Drawings, New Names. Rembrandt and his Contemporaries –  Peter Schatborn and Leonore van Sloten, Varik 2014
  • Rembrandt’s Naked Truth. Drawing Nude Models in the Golden Age – Judith Noorman and David de Witt, Zwolle 2016
  • Rembrandt: The Complete Drawings and Etchings – Peter Schatborn and Erik Hinterding, Cologne 2019



*the bibliographies in the publications cited here offer further references to publications, monographic oeuvre overviews and exhibition catalogues